18 October, 2013

Summer Saviors: LaVanilla Deodorant and Jo Malone Cologne

For years I've been devoted to the same perfume, Chanel Coco.  A slightly spicy, rich scent, it always jives with my chemical makeup perfectly - sinking in, yet remaining present - the way a perfume should.  Given this happy relationship, I've never considered changing things up seasonally, regardless of the fact that it's something we should all think about.  The humidity and heat absolutely change the way scents act on our skin, leaving Coco sitting slightly heavy during the summer months.  On a whim, I trekked downtown to Nordstrom to visit the Jo Malone counter.

12 October, 2013

Summer Saviors: DermOrganic Shampoo & Hair Repair Masque, Love&Toast Body Lotion

Like most of us, I'm pretty finicky about my hair.  Luckily, I was blessed with thick, fast growing hair from birth and it tends to be rather shiny on its own.  My only peeve is that it never does what I want.  Ever. Talking with my stylist at Sine Qua Non Salon in Chicago, he suggested I try their salon go-to shampoo and conditioner, both by DermOrganic.  
By now we all know that the hype surrounding hair products laden with argan oil is beyond justified.  A believer in it myself, I've tried the company's Argan Hair Oil before (picked it up at TJMaxx, whatdya know!), and love it, so I thought it would be worth giving salon gorgeous hair a try at home.  I picked up the smaller (although slow to disappear!) shampoo at the salon and the Intensive Hair Repair Masque (which I use as a regular conditioner) at TJMaxx (surprise!).  

11 October, 2013

Summer Saviors Review: Deep Steep and Earth Therapeutics

We generally think of summer as the ideal time to work flirty, floral, citrus scented products into our daily routines.  Oftentimes, vanilla scented products can feel heavy and musky against the hot, humid air.
The Argan Oil Body Wash in Warm Vanilla & Coconut by Deep Steep is a "deeply" pleasant departure from this norm, and the formulation is light enough to use on even the stickiest summer day.

10 October, 2013

Summer Saviors - Bath & Body

For many, summer is a best friend with some unavoidably obnoxious qualities.  We wait for that first glowing peck of the sun on baited hooks and, when it finally arrives, we dunk our skin in gallons of illuminating SPF products and spritz our hair with a concoction of "salt water wave inducing, frizz reducing, shine boosting, overall completely contradictory" products in order to achieve some mythic summer glow similar to what Grecian Gods must enjoy on Olympus.